I have tried everything and cannot resurrect my old blog - I could not be sadder. So to follow, you will
have to go
Mimi's Primrose Lane 2
Please come and enjoy the every day happenings of a grandmother that include many of the things we love: stitching, family, homemaking and decorating at the new blog: http://mimisprimroselane.blogspot.com/
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
This is what a crashed blog looks like. Please bare with me as I create a new blog - no, this is not the beautiful blog I originally had - I woke up one morning and had this mess - I don't know why corps have to keep tweeking what works!
I think I will just start over and hopefully soon, I will have another beautiful blog!
I think I will just start over and hopefully soon, I will have another beautiful blog!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Happy New Year!!!!
I recently found in my stash, a birth-type sampler that would be perfect for both of the grandchildren - I had even pulled all the threads! My intentions are so good! But as a daily migraineur, the reality is that I will collect more than I will ever stitch. But on the other hand, if it makes me happy, why not collect the charts & fabrics I love - it's not like I am collecting string or some silly thing. Ok, that's it then - I refuse to change my ways!!!!!!!!!! How's that for a new year's resolution!!!!
I wish each of you every happiness and lots of stitching time. At this moment, I struggle with a bad cold, so I have not picked up a needle in forever; but the grand children had a wonderful Christmas with plenty of dinosaur books for Killian.
I recently found a number of Quaker charts that I think are out of print and of course, and I have not stitched one of them. Here's a photo if you are interested:
My Quaker wall never progressed, so I might as well face reality.
I recently found in my stash, a birth-type sampler that would be perfect for both of the grandchildren - I had even pulled all the threads! My intentions are so good! But as a daily migraineur, the reality is that I will collect more than I will ever stitch. But on the other hand, if it makes me happy, why not collect the charts & fabrics I love - it's not like I am collecting string or some silly thing. Ok, that's it then - I refuse to change my ways!!!!!!!!!! How's that for a new year's resolution!!!!
Here are some of our Christmas photos:
The best to everyone!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Here is such a beautiful Christmas design:

I have been looking for the perfect design - something lovely but not 'cutesy' - honestly, this may be difficult to take down after the holidays....... or just leave it up!!!!!!!
Here are my snow pics, with Killian in his footie pj's - he loves the snow (he's on the porch).
I am starting to put the Christmas menu together: small turkey and a black forest ham; potato casserole, vegs & rolls & extras like the cranberry sauce. Here is the recipe for my potato casserole - it's even better the next day! Start with one large bag of hash browns, thawed over night.
16oz sour cream - 1/2 stick butter - 2 cans each of cream of mushroom, celery or even chicken soup, which ever your family likes - 1 cup shredded cheese ( I usually throw in extra and you will need more later for the topping).
Mix all this together in a large pan (I use the disposables) - then add the seasonings: 2Tb garlic - 1/2 cup of minced onion - 2tsp Mrs Dash seasoning - sprinkle of celery seeds - a little parsley or oregano - salt & pepper to your taste. Mix together (add a little water if it seems dry) and put in 350 oven for almost 2 hours - you can add more cheese at the end and feel free to put more seasonings in it if you like - it cannot be messed up - also, if you added diced ham to this, it could easily be a brunch item.
I am anxiously awaiting to see who is going to have the first after Christmas stitching sale that pulls me in (along with reasonable shipping charges). So many of the large retailers are already having discounted sales on the Christmas merchandise; but I have had so much paper & bows from years past, I gave an armful to the kids, as I am really liking gift bags now.
It is so cold today, it should be snowing! I refuse to go out in this! This weekend we will have a birthday party for GD, as she turns one but I have everything ready for her - will she not be the belle of the ball in this !!
I have added some Scarlet Letter charts to my selling blog (address at the right) - most are not opened and will be offered at a good price. At this point, I can only accept money orders from within the US.
I will add pics of the birthday next time - stay warm!!!!
Friday, December 3, 2010
More surgery?? Are they kidding????
After yesterday's trip back to Duke, the dr told me I have to have another surgery. I am still not sure it has sunk in - another couple of months going slow and healing. I absolutely refuse to do anything until after the holidays. This middle age stuff is the pits!!
See this blog: http://kentuckysampler.blogspot.com/ She shared with me the chart name of the sampler in her header and I have already found it! (It is Rhapsody in Blue by fouroaks designs). It might be the perfect piece to start after the upcoming surgery. Be aware: really cute grand baby pictures are in her blog and she definitely does not look old enough to be a grandmother!
We are expecting light snow Sat night and since GS will be here, it will be a real treat - it has been very cold; unusual for this early in the season.
Here is a great blog: http://connie-livingbeautifully.blogspot.com/
Not only is it gorgeous, there is great info there about food storage. Particularly now days, it is important to have additional means to take care of the family. You probably know someone that has been affected by this awful economy - having back-ups can reduce the hardship of uncertain times and I hope everyone will put up extras for later - also, the food banks are in great need of extras that you can donate.
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Let's Trade!
For Thanksgiving, I got a book from Hallmark that allows you to record a story - I chose "The Night Before Christmas". I think my GS will so enjoy listening to Mimi read to him when he is at his house. It would be wonderful for this book to survive and reach the great grandchildren - a nice legacy for the next generation.
Be sure to visit this site: http://bluehenhollow.blogspot.com/ The pictures of her work are gorgeous and she is a delightful stitcher!
I have had this kit for a while and have not stitched it, so I am going to let it go to a new home. I will be glad to trade for a historical reproduction sampler or 28ct linen.
May this holiday bring joy and happiness to you and yours.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Something for You
I found this adorable pin cushion pattern that I thought you all might enjoy:
http://www2.fiskars.com/Activities/Crafting/Project-Gallery/Sewing-and-Quilting/Sewn-Pumpkin-Pincushion - It could really be for any season, with diff fabrics.
I got the floss for 'Joyeux Noel' today and was pleased to find it for .20 each.
I have recently met another stitcher in England and we have so much in common! I am ready for her to move next door! I love seeing other people's work and exchanging cross stitch items is so much fun.
This week I am sending her a packet of R&R linen that I hope she enjoys.
I recently came across this sampler board you might enjoy: http://samplerlovers.yuku.com/directory
Back to the Dr this week, as another bladder infection is looming. I think I will have to stay on antibiotics longer than normal, but it will be worth it.
Yesterday I saw a new chart that was $30.00!!!!! It was not a historical reproduction; it was a Christmas design - I almost fell over! I just can't justify that much money in this ecomony. That much money on one item reduces what I can spend on other charts; hey, quantity is important!
I have to include this photo so I am held accountable - I have not stitched on this for a while and I need to get back to work:
This week I need to start on my pumpkin raisin breads for gifts ( and one for the cook!). Since this treat is good for you, I have no guilt eating it!!
Take good care until next time!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I did it again!
Yes, I placed another order because there was a sale!!!!!!!!! And no, I have not stitched anything that I have bought previously! But they are so lovely:
I truly believe inflation will continue, so in actuality, I am saving money!!
Here is a picture of this year's tree, all decked out in pinks:
I think I will keep this decorating style for a while - but I definitely want a bigger tree. I will have to keep my eye out for the sales.
I recently looked at another blog and there in a picture is an animal walking across the current stitchery she is working on - I could not believe that someone would risk their work in such a way - not to mention the pet hair!! I consider my pieces worthy of being handed down to another generation, so I am very careful and do not take chances that could damage the sampler.
Tomorrow I am going to a frame outlet that is having a sale - I need some that will be for samplers and I also need some that will become mirrors - it is fun and I have my measuring tape ready!
I have my 22lb turkey in the freezer and most of the other things I am going to make for Thanksgiving. I do love this time of year - it seems a good excuse to eat extra goodies! Our neighbors brought over honey from their own hives and I can't wait to try it on biscuits. I also have a Honey & Walnut cake recipe that will be delicious with this. Whether you travel or stay home, I wish you a wonderful day of thanks and good things to eat. Blessings to each of you!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
A short hello
My adorable grand children were here on Sunday, as I had not seen them since surgery. Christian is pulling herself up and standing - time is going by so fast.
Today I am back at the Dr's office for a check-up. I have lost several pounds, as I have not had much of an appetite - though I do look forward to pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving!
I know the economic reports say there is no inflation, but I definitely see prices increasing in the grocery store. I doubt it changes before the end of the year, so I have been trying to buy only things on sale.
I am almost done with my Christmas shopping, as I buy throughout the year - I even have items for the GC that they will get in a couple of years, when they are older - it was on sale!!!!
After the new year, I am going to seriously work on my basement/workroom - my husband has his own basement, so I can fix mine for my needs. I already have peg board on the walls and the bathroom is almost complete. I have a great desk down there and french doors so there is plenty of light. I plan to be super organzied!
The week after Halloween is when I put up the Christmas tree which is also my year 'round tree. So when I bring it out, I start putting up the Halloween Dept 56 figurines that I have out. Here are some
from this year - I try to add a couple of pieces a year:
Killian with toys! |
Love to all !!!!! |
Saturday, October 9, 2010
I missed you all !
Today is such a migraine day - pain is not a big enough word to cover how I feel. It should not hurt to move your head, blink your eyes or walk - but it does. I use to have aura but after last year's brain surgery, I no longer get the aura, pre-migraine. But all the other signals are there to warn me that war is about to break out in my head. I must say, I pray the GC (grand children) do not suffer with these. I do not know of any other relatives that have them so I hope I am just the 'off chance' ; of course, I thought the same thing with breast cancer......
I was recently waiting for a prescription and a lady came in and waited beside me. She looked at me and said " You look like you never need medicines ", so I just turned the back of head and pushed my hair up so she could see the frankenstein scars going up the back of my skull. You just never know.......
I was recently waiting for a prescription and a lady came in and waited beside me. She looked at me and said " You look like you never need medicines ", so I just turned the back of head and pushed my hair up so she could see the frankenstein scars going up the back of my skull. You just never know.......
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Plato
We recently had such a beautiful harvest moon - are they just not the bestest!! It really shows that fall is here and the beautiful soft breezes and gorgeous colors are here for a while.
See this blog: http://xstitching5.blogspot.com/
Carolyn is doing one of the Victoria Sampler Christmas designs, which I dearly love. This is how I imagine my grouping will look when I am eventually finished (hopefully before I am drawing Soc Security - no, really, I am that close!!): I can't believe it, but I already have the fabric and some lace that I will substitute for some of the lacy stitching on the design.
I recently came across the charts for And They Sinned and this is special because someone sent it to me and included a pic of her & the finished, framed piece she created. I really intended to do it but have not, so I think I am ready to send it on to a new home. It is not in the original package but has been very cared for; so if you are interested just email me - I will be happy to exchange for linen (I am using 28ct now).
I recently found this gorgeous design by Sandra Sullivan/Homespun Elegance. If you ever get a chance to meet her, do so - she is a lovely person inside & out - besides being super talented!! This weekend my husband is being inducted into his high school's athletic hall of fame - it will be the first big thing we have not done together in over 36 years. But luckily our son & grandson went with him and I can't wait to see pictures. I tried to postpone the surgery, but that would have put me out of commission over Thanksgiving - and I missed Thanksgiving last year because of brain surgery.
Thanks to everyone that sent good wishes for my recovery - I know it will make a difference!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A Happy Framing experience
Yesterday, I nervously walked in the store to pick up my 2nd time - around - framing piece, and I must say, I am happier with this version. But after I thanked him for his efforts, he told me they used sticky board the first time (horrors!!) and this 2nd time, it was stitched/laced for a tighter and smoother finish. But why was this not an option the first time I came in??!! But at least it is finally, safely at my house and I know the grandchildren will enjoy seeing this:
This site is enough to make me change my decorating style:http://farmhousenotforgotten.blogspot.com/ It could not be more adorable!!
I have surgery next week, so it will be a while before the GC come to visit (NO picking up the little ones!) So they were here this weekend and here is pic of them, growing too fast:Blocks & Blankies on the floor - the life of a 'Mimi' !!!!!!
Take care and I will see you after recovery!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Surgery and more stash!!
Teri Robert is an expert on migraines and always has the latest news: here are some of the facts she recently shared:
In the US:
In the US:
- Migraine alone is the 12th most disabling disorder in the country.
- 28% of workday Migraines resulted in absenteeism.
- 11% of workday Migraines resulted in a full day of work lost, 5% led to a late arrival, 12% led to leaving work early.
- Headache disorders cause more than 1 percent of all disability and 9 percent of all lost labor in the US every year.
- Headache disorders are the most prevalent neurological disorders, affecting more than 90% of all Americans.
- The annual direct and indirect economic costs of headache disorders exceed $31 billion.
You can find more info at the widget below - there is a lot of info there that you could talk over with your doctor. I have asked for a recommendation for a neurologist at Duke.
Sadly, I went to pick up my alphabet sampler (pictured below several notes) and it was not done very well - I think it had not been stretched enough and you could still see the marks from the iron. They are re-doing but I am not hopeful - but I would love to be surprised!
I got all the threads for Forgiveness:
I have wanted this chart for a couple of years and it is still so beautiful. I am having surgery on the 28th, so I am stockpiling projects for my bedside, as I have to be off my feet for a number of weeks. I really hope to get some things completed, but my projects are never small, little things like ornaments.
I have not told my son yet about this surgery - of course, I did not tell about last year's brain surgery until after the fact. Why have him worry - I really wasn't - I had complete faith in my Dr. and I did great.
Migraines are still an every day event for me, but that was to be expected because the surgery was not really for that symptom.
But I got a little netbook wireless computer for my birthday, so I can keep up with everyone while I recover. Keep showing your beautiful work!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Reconnecting with old friends
I just recently emailed Patti at her blog: http://tapestry-of-dreams.blogspot.com/
She loves the grandchildren and I can soooo relate to that. Her stitchery is so inspirational and I always like whatever she is stitching. We have traded over the years and may go months without talking but I always enjoy her company and definitely whatever she is stitching.
I found this blog: http://dany88.canalblog.com/
and love the roses designs down at the bottom of the blog - I tried to write and find out where I can buy this, but my email came back undeliverable. If anyone recognizes the designs & where I can purchase it, I would be very grateful = roses are one of my weaknesses!! I can easily see GD's initials on this piece.
I just discovered this blog: http://pathofpinsandneedles.blogspot.com/ and she very kindly told me where I could get the Prairie Schooler design she is working on - it is just adorable! Thank you for being such a sweetheart.
I have yards of 36ct cream Edinburgh linen by Zweigart if you need linen ;
a fat quater 18 x 27 is $20 and a yard 55 x 36 is $45. If you would kindly add $2 for shipping that would be so nice. Just send an email that you want it.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friends & Good Info
Att Migraineurs: Don't let the title/url fool you: Here is a list of the Top Migraine blogs: http://www.medicalassistantschools.org/top_migraine/ They are definitely worth visiting.
Amongst these blogs is this one: http://headacheslayer.blogspot.com/ She very kindly wrote to me giving me some basic info about a procedure that could help migraineurs. The dr is in FL but, honestly, would we not travel to the ends of the earth for treatment. Of course, in all probability, insurance will say No Way!!
Making new friendships thru blogs has been wonderful. You meet people you would otherwise not have the opportunity to learn about. I also have a friend that is close by, but I may go months and not see her. Luckily, she has accepted me, headaches and all. So when I saw this sampler I thought of her: (Sandy, this will be for you!!)
Along with this, came these:
I decorate in a sort of romantic/shabby chic kind of way, so I love the look of these houses - this would be great as a grouping.
Teresa/http://www.dixiesamplardesigns.com/, I love your finishes!! Gorgeous!! I am sooo envious!
I enjoy this time of year because many of the craft stores are starting to put out the Christmas decorations. I know not everyone enjoys this early-ness, but I do!!!!!! My tree is decorated in pinks & whites, so I have to get my decorations and ribbons before they get gone - I use a huge bow with wire ribbon on top of my tree and I want to enlarge it this year.
I recently read a blogger say she was sad that she lost a couple of followers and wondered why - was it because it was too personal and not enough stitching - it is an interesting observation, but really, our stitching is a reflection of our life and are closely intertwined. I know that I have a lot of family stuff in mine and realize it may not appeal to the hard-core stitcher who just wants to see charts & fabric. But there is so much more to us!! I personally love seeing the "life" of the stitcher, migraneur, Mimi and adorable grandchildren - keep it up!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is a dr day which means I will be gone all day and it is very exhausting, as I live waaaay out in the country. So stitch away and take good care.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A rainy day
The alphabet sampler is at the framer's and I hope it comes out nicely - should be ready in 2 weeks.
I had a dr's appt at Duke today and after seeing a specialist, it seems I may qualify for a study/trial for the NIH that Duke is conducting for them. It will not change my surgery choice, but I guess it is more oriented toward the follow-up. I told the
dr. that I was happy to participate and be helpful.
I found this blog and not only is she a southern gal, she loves samplers and is a "meme"!! http://www.dixiesamplardesigns.com/ We have been writing back & forth and she is a doll.
Love this badge:

Oh, how beautiful is this !!! I just may have to start pulling threads!
Do you collect Christmas china? I have several patterns and love them all - my biggest collections are Spode & Lenox.
But last year while shopping, I found some Thanksgiving china patterns and have a couple of those. Some I keep on display all year - I miss them when I can't see them and sure enough, I would probably lose some!!
Apparently I liked this design very well, as I own 2 of them (shakes head pitifully).
This would be adorable with my Dept 56 Halloween village.
It is raining today, so it is a good day to play with the threads!
Happy stitching!
I had a dr's appt at Duke today and after seeing a specialist, it seems I may qualify for a study/trial for the NIH that Duke is conducting for them. It will not change my surgery choice, but I guess it is more oriented toward the follow-up. I told the
dr. that I was happy to participate and be helpful.
I found this blog and not only is she a southern gal, she loves samplers and is a "meme"!! http://www.dixiesamplardesigns.com/ We have been writing back & forth and she is a doll.
Love this badge:

Oh, how beautiful is this !!! I just may have to start pulling threads!
But last year while shopping, I found some Thanksgiving china patterns and have a couple of those. Some I keep on display all year - I miss them when I can't see them and sure enough, I would probably lose some!!
Apparently I liked this design very well, as I own 2 of them (shakes head pitifully).
It is raining today, so it is a good day to play with the threads!
Happy stitching!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
What a fun day!
The birthday boy had a wonderful day and in his words, " this is the best birthday ever!" - oh, I can now die happy!
Here are some adorable pictures of my cute-ems:

This does not include the coloring books, clothes and toys he received - he was very happy, indeed.
But I wanted to celebrate his birthday and starting kindergarten at the same time and it was a big hit.
Now, I'll show what I got:

This plate says 'Mimi's Little Angels" and GS's hands are the wings and Gd's little foot is the body. It really is precious and I
appreciate their thoughtfulness, as money is tight for them.
So for my own personal celebration, I got these for me!!

I have another order that I am waiting for (I am sure my credit card is on fire!) and the remainder of an order that got mixed up. The designers are really creating some beautiful things.
Let me show what I have finally completed and my next project = they go together:

I did not know the number sampler existed until I saw it on Wasatch Needlework site. I am going to do the numbers in the light thread shown to pick up the color of the alphabet fabric. I think these 2 are as cute as can be. I just hope it does not take me 3 years to complete this one - but of course daily headaches and brain surgery makes stitching difficult !!
We finally have a cool day and I have the house to myself - I may take the day "off" and forget house work; but honestly, sometimes when I am stitching I feel guilty because there is laundry to do, dusting and other yucky stuff.
Little grand daughter is getting so big -goodness time is flying by and my little sweetheart GS starts kindergarten in less than 10 days - I feel old!

I hope you enjoyed our little family celebration and I wish you and yours a wonderful fall season that is almost upon us. I have a few leaves that have already turned, which is always exciting = I love fall!! Ok, to show how much I really love it, I already have my wreath on the door!!! Blessings to you all!!
Here are some adorable pictures of my cute-ems:
But I wanted to celebrate his birthday and starting kindergarten at the same time and it was a big hit.
Now, I'll show what I got:
appreciate their thoughtfulness, as money is tight for them.
So for my own personal celebration, I got these for me!!
Let me show what I have finally completed and my next project = they go together:
I did not know the number sampler existed until I saw it on Wasatch Needlework site. I am going to do the numbers in the light thread shown to pick up the color of the alphabet fabric. I think these 2 are as cute as can be. I just hope it does not take me 3 years to complete this one - but of course daily headaches and brain surgery makes stitching difficult !!
We finally have a cool day and I have the house to myself - I may take the day "off" and forget house work; but honestly, sometimes when I am stitching I feel guilty because there is laundry to do, dusting and other yucky stuff.
Little grand daughter is getting so big -goodness time is flying by and my little sweetheart GS starts kindergarten in less than 10 days - I feel old!
I hope you enjoyed our little family celebration and I wish you and yours a wonderful fall season that is almost upon us. I have a few leaves that have already turned, which is always exciting = I love fall!! Ok, to show how much I really love it, I already have my wreath on the door!!! Blessings to you all!!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Williamsburg in the fall
Here is a great place to go during the fall:
I have always loved Williamsburg and add a stitching retreat, and you have heaven on earth!! As soon as you get there, pick up some of the free local booklets that have the diff restaurants and shopping centers listed - if you don't get around to everything, you will certainly want to come back.
I found this long piece of lace, after looking for something else! It would be beautiful on GD's dress, but I am not sure what size to use, as she is growing so fast. I am thinking I will also add some lace around the collar of a denim jacket I wear in the winter -
I think it will add a soft touch.

I recently read another stitcher say she did not like the easy, cutesy, quickie stitching projects and I completely agree. I love the historical reproduction samplers and enjoy pretty Christmas designs. So if I am going to take time out of my day to stitch, I really want it to be a legacy - something that will not end up in a yard sale!! But of course, this does not include the adorable baby gifts that have to be stitched!
I saw the cutest item that prevents having to put your purse on the floor - which is something I refuse to do. I will wait for another table where there is an extra chair to hang my purse on, rather than plunk it on the floor! Yuck!
I am taking GS for the 'school' haircut next week - I want my beloved hairdresser to do it so it doesn't look like someone used a hedge clipper!!
Aug 7 is GS's special day and I found a bunch of dinosaur coloring books up in my closet for the birthday - I had forgotten about them.
And there is a dinosaur shirt that comes with a remote control dinosaur - that will definitely be a hit!
I always have my own birthday celebration at my house for him - nothing but immediate family. I spend all year looking for things that I think he will enjoy for the birthday (and Christmas) - then the parents can have the party with a zillion kids at their house = lucky them!!!!!!
I know several of you let me know that you were also a member of the migraine 'club' and I want to share some sites with you -
it does help to know that you are not alone:
Today is not 100 degrees and with the rain, it is much cooler - thank goodness!
Little GS is here and I can stitch a little while he plays with his blocks. He doesn't realize the wonderful memories he is creating for me and if I could freeze time, I would.
I have always loved Williamsburg and add a stitching retreat, and you have heaven on earth!! As soon as you get there, pick up some of the free local booklets that have the diff restaurants and shopping centers listed - if you don't get around to everything, you will certainly want to come back.
I found this long piece of lace, after looking for something else! It would be beautiful on GD's dress, but I am not sure what size to use, as she is growing so fast. I am thinking I will also add some lace around the collar of a denim jacket I wear in the winter -
I think it will add a soft touch.
I recently read another stitcher say she did not like the easy, cutesy, quickie stitching projects and I completely agree. I love the historical reproduction samplers and enjoy pretty Christmas designs. So if I am going to take time out of my day to stitch, I really want it to be a legacy - something that will not end up in a yard sale!! But of course, this does not include the adorable baby gifts that have to be stitched!
I saw the cutest item that prevents having to put your purse on the floor - which is something I refuse to do. I will wait for another table where there is an extra chair to hang my purse on, rather than plunk it on the floor! Yuck!
I am taking GS for the 'school' haircut next week - I want my beloved hairdresser to do it so it doesn't look like someone used a hedge clipper!!
Aug 7 is GS's special day and I found a bunch of dinosaur coloring books up in my closet for the birthday - I had forgotten about them.
And there is a dinosaur shirt that comes with a remote control dinosaur - that will definitely be a hit!
I always have my own birthday celebration at my house for him - nothing but immediate family. I spend all year looking for things that I think he will enjoy for the birthday (and Christmas) - then the parents can have the party with a zillion kids at their house = lucky them!!!!!!
I know several of you let me know that you were also a member of the migraine 'club' and I want to share some sites with you -
it does help to know that you are not alone:
Today is not 100 degrees and with the rain, it is much cooler - thank goodness!
Little GS is here and I can stitch a little while he plays with his blocks. He doesn't realize the wonderful memories he is creating for me and if I could freeze time, I would.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Goodies for the birthday boy
Look what came in the mail:

Mr. Cutie-Pie is also getting these shoes - they are adorable = the eyes flash when he runs!!
It took searching the four corners of the earth, but finally found his size. A matching backpack is on the way and we found a Velociraptor lunch box. He will be the coolest kindergarten kid !!
I pray he likes school - it is so important for them to start off with a good attitude about studying and learning. Afterall, we do it for the rest of our lives.
The heat is still bearing down on us and makes it impossible to be outside for long. I am sure the power bill will look like the national debt when it arrives.
Dear Karen at Wasatch needlework is putting an order together for me - though I have not started any of the other things I have bought this year! I have a ton of R&R linen that I will be happy to sell at a good price if anyone needs it. I will never use all that I have so I will be glad to share - it is from a smoke & pet free home - just send an email.
Off to start laundry - the towels are multiplying like rabbits!
Mr. Cutie-Pie is also getting these shoes - they are adorable = the eyes flash when he runs!!
I pray he likes school - it is so important for them to start off with a good attitude about studying and learning. Afterall, we do it for the rest of our lives.
The heat is still bearing down on us and makes it impossible to be outside for long. I am sure the power bill will look like the national debt when it arrives.
Dear Karen at Wasatch needlework is putting an order together for me - though I have not started any of the other things I have bought this year! I have a ton of R&R linen that I will be happy to sell at a good price if anyone needs it. I will never use all that I have so I will be glad to share - it is from a smoke & pet free home - just send an email.
Off to start laundry - the towels are multiplying like rabbits!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The music is still good after all these years
I finally received an order that I waited a month for- some things I wanted were out of stock, as I learned after one of my several emails or phone calls were returned. I am happy to wait when I know this is the situation - but if you have so much business that you can ignore a paying customer, I am very happy for you in this economy and wish you well.
No, I am not one of the shoppers that call every day to see if the pkg has gone out or wander around the shop using up your time and then spending $1.99.
I spend serious money. So believe me when I say that I was surprised when my long awaited pkg arrived and that was it --------
not a thank you for your patience; here's a skein of floss in appreciation.......nothing.
OK, I haven't found them yet, but I bet there is a shop out there that would like MONTHLY orders!!
And I will not get started on the shop that charged shipping AND handling for walking around the store and picking up 4 charts, in stock - no special orders.
I love many of the European designs we have seen recently - very pretty & feminine, which I am on the prowl for, now that there is a GD involved. So I adore this design:

I feel badly about the glare, but I took 10 pics of this - I give up !!
Yesterday, while listening to a Paula Deen show ( migraine mode - could only listen not watch), she was making a 5 Layer Bars recipe that I will try on the family this weekend. It's going to be hot ( I am beginning to think I was very bad in another life), so these can be done in advance and just stay on the counter. I have recipes for the 7 Layers, but that will be too much left over and I am almost afraid for anyone to transport food in this heat.
There is a House marathon on today and one of the episode's has a great song at the end: 'Gravity' by John Mayer -= as a rule, he has not been my cup of tea, but this song, (on a migraine day) was perfect. It was easy to find on you tube.
Then I scanned on down you tube and saw Mayer with Eric Clapton, doing "Crossroads" - from his days with the band, Cream.
Oh my, have I given my age away!!! Ummmmm, I was 4 at the time..............
My newest make-up find is Cover Girl Out Last Lipstain in 400 - it really gives me a natural color and stays on like concrete!
And, there is always coupons for these prods, so it is affordable to try new things.
Have a nice weekend - stay well.
No, I am not one of the shoppers that call every day to see if the pkg has gone out or wander around the shop using up your time and then spending $1.99.
I spend serious money. So believe me when I say that I was surprised when my long awaited pkg arrived and that was it --------
not a thank you for your patience; here's a skein of floss in appreciation.......nothing.
OK, I haven't found them yet, but I bet there is a shop out there that would like MONTHLY orders!!
And I will not get started on the shop that charged shipping AND handling for walking around the store and picking up 4 charts, in stock - no special orders.
I love many of the European designs we have seen recently - very pretty & feminine, which I am on the prowl for, now that there is a GD involved. So I adore this design:
I feel badly about the glare, but I took 10 pics of this - I give up !!
Yesterday, while listening to a Paula Deen show ( migraine mode - could only listen not watch), she was making a 5 Layer Bars recipe that I will try on the family this weekend. It's going to be hot ( I am beginning to think I was very bad in another life), so these can be done in advance and just stay on the counter. I have recipes for the 7 Layers, but that will be too much left over and I am almost afraid for anyone to transport food in this heat.
There is a House marathon on today and one of the episode's has a great song at the end: 'Gravity' by John Mayer -= as a rule, he has not been my cup of tea, but this song, (on a migraine day) was perfect. It was easy to find on you tube.
Then I scanned on down you tube and saw Mayer with Eric Clapton, doing "Crossroads" - from his days with the band, Cream.
Oh my, have I given my age away!!! Ummmmm, I was 4 at the time..............
My newest make-up find is Cover Girl Out Last Lipstain in 400 - it really gives me a natural color and stays on like concrete!
And, there is always coupons for these prods, so it is affordable to try new things.
Have a nice weekend - stay well.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Pretties for my Grand Daughter
Here are some fabrics that arrived yesterday for of course, GD !! Some I am going to save and give them along with patterns to DIL for Christmas - some can be for her or her dolls (though she is only 6mons). That top fabric is much more pink than it appears - I've tried to fix it twice so I surrender! Of course, this is where I should state that I have not stitched any of the other fabrics that I have bought!!
Here is one of the items Killian is getting for starting school:
Now, on to find (in his size) dinosaur shoes & backpack. The days are flying by and I know school and activities will take up much of his time, but I hope he never forgets the times he spent here and all the fun we had - hopefully he won't because I took tons of photos!!
I know I promised not to complain about the summer heat after this winter, but 2 weeks now in the high 90's is too much - have mercy, where will it end. Stay cool as best as you can!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
It's summer time & I should be stitching
I am still missing an order but another one came today and though many are older, I still love the look - the Prairie Schooler farmer's alphabet will look great in the laundry room (it has a garden/bee theme).

I love the Christmas charts by Victoria Sampler but it would be wonderful to have a conversion for the colors used. If you have stitched any with DMC, please let me know the colors you used.
I found these 2 Scarlett Letter samplers (John Murray & Sarah Stuart) that I am going to sell: I have never opened the pkg, so I doubt I get around to stitching them.

This is what an angel looks like when they sleep:
Finally, the temps are back down in the 80's and I think I can resume having a life without fear of heat stroke! But as I was watering the tomato plant on the porch, I see a black snake go across the driveway - I may never leave the house again!! I live on 25ac and see plenty of wildlife, but this is too much! Anyone have a condo at Lake Norman!!!!!!!!!
I love the Christmas charts by Victoria Sampler but it would be wonderful to have a conversion for the colors used. If you have stitched any with DMC, please let me know the colors you used.
I found these 2 Scarlett Letter samplers (John Murray & Sarah Stuart) that I am going to sell: I have never opened the pkg, so I doubt I get around to stitching them.
This is what an angel looks like when they sleep:
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