Here are some fabrics that arrived yesterday for of course, GD !! Some I am going to save and give them along with patterns to DIL for Christmas - some can be for her or her dolls (though she is only 6mons). That top fabric is much more pink than it appears - I've tried to fix it twice so I surrender! Of course, this is where I should state that I have not stitched any of the other fabrics that I have bought!!
Here is one of the items Killian is getting for starting school:,59864372
Now, on to find (in his size) dinosaur shoes & backpack. The days are flying by and I know school and activities will take up much of his time, but I hope he never forgets the times he spent here and all the fun we had - hopefully he won't because I took tons of photos!!
I know I promised not to complain about the summer heat after this winter, but 2 weeks now in the high 90's is too much - have mercy, where will it end. Stay cool as best as you can!