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Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's summer time & I should be stitching

I am still missing an order but another one came today and though many are older, I still love the look - the Prairie Schooler farmer's alphabet will look great in the laundry room (it has a garden/bee theme).

I love the Christmas charts by Victoria Sampler but it would be wonderful to have a conversion for the colors used. If you have stitched any with DMC, please let me know the colors you used.

I found these 2 Scarlett Letter samplers (John Murray & Sarah Stuart) that I am going to sell: I have never opened the pkg, so I doubt I get around to stitching them.

This is what an angel looks like when they sleep:

Finally, the temps are back down in the 80's and I think I can resume having a life without fear of heat stroke! But as I was watering the tomato plant on the porch, I see a black snake go across the driveway - I may never leave the house again!! I live on 25ac and see plenty of wildlife, but this is too much! Anyone have a condo at Lake Norman!!!!!!!!!