I have always loved Williamsburg and add a stitching retreat, and you have heaven on earth!! As soon as you get there, pick up some of the free local booklets that have the diff restaurants and shopping centers listed - if you don't get around to everything, you will certainly want to come back.
I found this long piece of lace, after looking for something else! It would be beautiful on GD's dress, but I am not sure what size to use, as she is growing so fast. I am thinking I will also add some lace around the collar of a denim jacket I wear in the winter -
I think it will add a soft touch.
I recently read another stitcher say she did not like the easy, cutesy, quickie stitching projects and I completely agree. I love the historical reproduction samplers and enjoy pretty Christmas designs. So if I am going to take time out of my day to stitch, I really want it to be a legacy - something that will not end up in a yard sale!! But of course, this does not include the adorable baby gifts that have to be stitched!
I saw the cutest item that prevents having to put your purse on the floor - which is something I refuse to do. I will wait for another table where there is an extra chair to hang my purse on, rather than plunk it on the floor! Yuck!
I am taking GS for the 'school' haircut next week - I want my beloved hairdresser to do it so it doesn't look like someone used a hedge clipper!!
Aug 7 is GS's special day and I found a bunch of dinosaur coloring books up in my closet for the birthday - I had forgotten about them.
And there is a dinosaur shirt that comes with a remote control dinosaur - that will definitely be a hit!
I always have my own birthday celebration at my house for him - nothing but immediate family. I spend all year looking for things that I think he will enjoy for the birthday (and Christmas) - then the parents can have the party with a zillion kids at their house = lucky them!!!!!!
I know several of you let me know that you were also a member of the migraine 'club' and I want to share some sites with you -
it does help to know that you are not alone:
Today is not 100 degrees and with the rain, it is much cooler - thank goodness!
Little GS is here and I can stitch a little while he plays with his blocks. He doesn't realize the wonderful memories he is creating for me and if I could freeze time, I would.