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Saturday, October 9, 2010

I missed you all !

Today is such a migraine day - pain is not a big enough word to cover how I feel.  It should not hurt to move your head, blink your eyes or walk - but it does.  I use to have aura but after last year's brain surgery, I no longer get the aura, pre-migraine.  But all the other signals are there to warn me that war is about to break out in my head.  I must say, I pray the GC (grand children) do not suffer with these.  I do not know of any other relatives that have them so I hope I am just the 'off chance' ; of course, I thought the same thing with breast cancer......
 I was recently waiting for a prescription and a lady came in and waited beside me.  She looked at me and said " You look like you never need medicines ", so I just turned the back of head and pushed my hair up so she could see the frankenstein scars going up the back of my skull.   You just never know.......
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

 We recently had such a beautiful harvest moon - are they just not the bestest!!  It really shows that fall is here and the beautiful soft breezes and gorgeous colors are here for a while.

See this blog:  http://xstitching5.blogspot.com/
Carolyn is doing one of  the Victoria Sampler Christmas designs, which I dearly love.  This is how I imagine my grouping will look when I am eventually finished (hopefully before I am drawing Soc Security - no, really, I am that close!!):  I can't believe it, but I already have the fabric and some lace that I will substitute for some of the lacy stitching on the design.
 I recently came across the charts for And They Sinned and this is special because someone sent it to me and included a pic of her & the finished, framed piece she created.  I really intended to do it but have not, so I think I am ready to send it on to a new home.  It is not in the original package but has been very cared for; so if you are interested just email me - I will be happy to exchange for linen (I am  using 28ct now).
 I recently found this gorgeous design by Sandra Sullivan/Homespun Elegance.  If you ever get a chance to meet her, do so - she is a lovely person inside & out - besides being super talented!!

This weekend my husband is being inducted into his high school's athletic hall of fame - it will be the first big thing we have not done together in over 36 years.  But luckily our son & grandson went with him and I can't wait to see pictures.  I tried to postpone the surgery, but that would have put me out of commission over Thanksgiving - and I missed Thanksgiving last year because of brain surgery.

Thanks to everyone that sent good wishes for my recovery - I know it will make a difference!