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Friday, December 3, 2010

More surgery?? Are they kidding????

After yesterday's trip back to Duke, the dr told me  I have to have another surgery.  I am still not sure it  has sunk in - another couple of months going slow and healing.  I absolutely refuse to do anything until after the holidays. This middle age stuff is the pits!!

See this blog:  http://kentuckysampler.blogspot.com/       She shared with me the chart name of the sampler in her header and I have already found it! (It is Rhapsody in Blue by fouroaks designs). It might be the perfect piece to start after the upcoming surgery.  Be aware: really cute grand baby pictures are in her blog and she definitely does not look old enough to be a grandmother!

Speaking of grand babies (which I do alot!), here is Miss Christian being brave and holding on to the table as she walks around it.  She ate a great Thanksgiving dinner and had fun the rest of the day. 

We are expecting light snow Sat night and since GS will be here, it will be a real treat - it has been very cold; unusual for this early in the season.

Here is a great blog:  http://connie-livingbeautifully.blogspot.com/
Not only is it gorgeous, there is great info there about food storage.  Particularly now days, it is important to have additional means to take care of the family.  You probably know someone that has been affected by this awful economy - having back-ups can reduce the hardship of uncertain times and I hope everyone will put up extras for later - also, the food banks are in great need of extras that you can  donate.
Have a great weekend!