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Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Roses Fabric

I found this pretty fabric the other day and just thought how lovely it was - it may be hard to see (I think if you click on the photo it becomes larger), but the bottom fabric has teacups & tea pots amongst the roses. I really want to make new dinner napkins for summer but that remains to be seen!

And this is a picture of my dining room color/fabric that I am working with:
the room was red but it was never the right red, so after 10 coats of paint, I
surrendered! But now I am glad I did, as this is much lighter and cheery and the dentil moulding looks good with it.

And while out and about came across this cute t-shirt for GD: after all, she is my princess!!

I don't remember how I found this site but it certainly looks interesting if you are
a sampler lover:

I so enjoy looking at the beautiful samplers made by our fore-mothers, many of which were created by children. We are lucky that so many have survived thru the ages.

Here is another blog that is so wonderful to look at - she is such an excellent photographer and the items she has made are just beautiful - I know you will enjoy this site. http://tempusfugit.over-blog.com/